Big Data for Better Outcomes is a comprehensive European research programme aiming to develop key enablers to support health care system transformation through the use of big data. The initiative will develop platforms for integrating and analysing diverse data sets, focusing on outcomes that matter to patients and generating meaningful insights that will help improve health care.


In a set of projects in exemplary disease areas, Big Data for Better Outcomes will contribute to healthcare system change through:

  • -Definition of outcome metrics
  • -Protocols, processes and tools to access high quality data
  • -Methodologies and analytics to drive improvements
  • -Digital and other solutions that increase patient engagement


BD4BO has four disease-specific projects so far. ROADMAP (Alzheimer’s Disease), HARMONY (Hematologic Malignancies), BigData@Heart and PIONEER (Prostate Cancer) are already producing deliverables to enable the efficient use of big data and contribute to improving healthcare systems and patient outcomes and further projects are to come.

These disease-specific projects are supported by the Coordination and Support Action (DO->IT) as an overarching coordination structure (completed in 2019), and the European Health Data and Evidence Network (EHDEN) project which will be a federated network of relevant data sources.
